Versions Compared


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If you use Matlab you need to use the init script.  Load required data (e.g. XML configuration files), setup the reader and writer etc. Alternatively, use a script that is inspired by the init script. QOS_LOCAL_COMMUNICATION.xml is always located in ~/software/middleware/build, and precompiled DDS IDL Matlab files can always be found in ~/software/cpm_lib/dds_idl_matlab. Other files cannot be expected to be found on the NUC, unless you put them in the same folder as your own script.

Code Block
titleMATLAB example for init script
script_directoy = fileparts([mfilename('fullpath') '.m']);

% Initialize data readers/writers...
init_script_path = fullfile('../', '/init_script.m');
assert(isfile(init_script_path), 'Missing file "%s".', init_script_path);
[matlabParticipant, stateReader, trajectoryWriter, systemTriggerReader, readyStatusWriter, trigger_stop] = init_script(matlabDomainID);
