You find the source code for our examples in the software-folder:




One single vehicle will drive in a basic circle with a radius of 1m. The center of the circle will be in the center of the map, but the circle will not be connected to the map. The circle shall drive continously.


Define the ID of the vehicle you want to drive. Read the ID in from the LCC using the function cmd_parameter_ints() from our cpm library.

Initialize a DDS Writer for the RTI DDS Service to ensure that position and speed will be sent to the simulation and the vehicle. Write on the topic vehicleCommandTrajectory with datatype VehicleCommandTrajectory. The topic's name is the name of the datatype with a lowercase letter.

Giving direction and speed

Define four points of your circle on a coordinate system.

Define the speed vector of the vehicle for each point for the entire trajectory. When you define vx and vy remember that vges = sqrt(vx^2 +vy^2) (as it is a vector). You use this vector to define the direction for your vehicle, so where it has to steer next. Always assign at least a small value to both vectors to ensure the correct direction. Remember that your are defining a physical system, so avoid sharp edges.

Draw the vecotrs on each point of your trajectory:

Now implement your points and speed values using the predefined vetors trajectory_px and trajectory_py for your points of the trajectory and trajectory_vx and trajectory_vy for the speed at each point. The speed is given in m/s. Set the center of the circle to the center of the map at x =2,25m and y= 2m.

Segment duration

For the segment duration keep in mind that speed, time and waylength have to fit. Verify your speed/way/duration with vges =ssegment/tsegmentduration. The segment duration shows the length of a timestep. Transforming it into a timestamp you need to add up all segment durations until the current timestep to the start time: 

Sending the trajectory information to the vehicle

All data are sent to the vehicle using the writer-function from the beginning in the form of


where each value is a scalar.

Run the example

  1. Compile your code.
  2. Select the resulting executable as script the LCC.
  3. Select vehicle 4 (simulated mode).
  4. Run the HLC.
  5. During the experiment, you will see a trail which builds and erases from point to point. This is your trajectory. Now move the simulated vehicle close to the trajectory by dragging it to a close point to the circle trajectory. A second trail will be drawn which is the trajectory for your vehicle to get the circle trajectory.
  6. Once the vehicle is on the circle trajectory it will drive continously in endless loop.

Matlab specific information

First steps - what the HLC scripts need to include