Hello! Welcome to our Lab. On this page we will guide you through the installation process of our Lab.

Here are the steps:

  1. Install  Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS.
    https://ubuntu.com/download                                                                          or

    https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/tutorial-create-a-usb-stick-on-ubuntu   or


  2.  Install updates running
    sudo apt update
    sudo apt upgrade
  3. Prepare to run our installation script by getting a license.dat-file for the RTI DDS Service (ask your supervisor)

  4.  Run our script to install all necessary components. You find our script here:


    todofull installationsimulation setup only
    runbash setup_cpm_build_environment.shbash setup_cpm_build_environment.sh --simulation
    What will it install?Unbuntu packagesUnbuntu packages

    Joystick/ Gamepad



    OpenCV 4.0 for the Indoor Positioning System

    Basler Pylon 5 for the Indoor Positioning System

  5. Reboot your computer       or      
    open a new terminal and type

    cd ~/dev; source /etc/profile.d/rti_connext_dds.sh

  6.  clone our cpm library repository into your /dev folder by typing:
    cd ~/dev
    git clone https://git.rwth-aachen.de/CPM/Project/Lab/cpm_base.git

    you have to enter your git username and password

  7. clone our cpm software repository into your /dev folder by typing:
    cd ~/dev
    git clone https://git.rwth-aachen.de/CPM/Project/Lab/software.git

    you have to enter your git username and password

  8. Run the build script

    full setuponly simulation setup
    ./build_all.bash --simulation