
If data is read synchronously, the user might be interested in the most recent data only. The Reader class can be used to create a data reader from which the most recent valid data can be requested using get_sample. Data is valid if its valid_after_stamp is lower than the current timestamp t_now that is passed to the function.

The Reader stores all received data in a ring buffer. The order in which data arrives is not regarded when data becomes overwritten. Thus, some slightly newer samples might get lost if get_sample is called infrequently - the Reader's buffer is not flushed regularly in between - and if data does not arrive in the correct order.


This is just a basic DDS reader, which only offers information regarding matched publications and a take() function. It does not require the user to know or understand DDS implementation details and is thus recommended whenever a basic reader is required in your application. Setting QoS parameters is available through the constructor. 


Data received by a RTI DDS DataReader can either be read synchronously or asynchronously. The latter requires the usage of e.g. a StatusCondition, an AsyncWaitSet and a callback function. To save the users the time to look up which StatusCondition is (mostly) required and to write the > 10 lines of code required for every single reader that relies on a callback function, AsyncReader is provided as a sort of wrapper that performs the set-up.

The class must be passed a callback function, a domain participant and a topic (or a filtered topic). Reliable communication can be turned on / off with a boolean parameter.


Like Reader.hpp, but for multiple vehicles at once: Gather all received messages of type T by all vehicles that publish on the (filtered) topic my_topic, then return all newest samples when get_samples is used. For more information on the implementation, refer to Reader.hpp.


This is just a basic DDS writer, which only offers information regarding matched subscriptions and a write() function. It does not require the user to know or understand DDS implementation details and is thus recommended whenever a basic writer is required in your application. Setting QoS parameters is available through the constructor.