There are multiple reasons you might want to run an HLC from outside the LCC, e.g., for easier debugging.

With middleware

If you are using the middleware,  setup your HLC code such that it can synchronize its start and stop with the middleware, see e.g. this basic MATLAB example. Then, to start it:

  1. Start the LCC (you see the Setup tab to the right).
  2. Leave the HLC path blank.
  3. Start the vehicles you need.
  4. Click Deploy.
  5. Run your HLC externaly (e.g. in MATLAB or in a terminal for C++ script).
  6. Go to the Timer tab.
  7. Wait for the timer with the ID middleware to show up.
  8. Click Start.

Your HLC should now be running. In order to stop it:

  1. Click Stop and Reset in the Timer tab.
  2. Click Kill in the Setup tab.

Without middleware

If you are not using the middleware:

  1. Start the LCC (you see the Setup tab to the right).
  2. Start the vehicles you need.
  3. Run your HLC.