Visualization messages can be sent to the LCC to draw basic shapes and text in the monitoring view, where the vehicles are shown as well. An example use case for this would be to draw the desired path that a vehicle is supposed to take on command, to check if it actually follows this path. The messages can also be used to show additional information to the running program or simply to debug the sent trajectory by checking the created path visually.

The visualization IDL file looks as follows:

#include "Color.idl"
#include "Point2D.idl"


enum VisualizationType 

struct Visualization 
    //Id to be able to delete the viz later on
    string id; //@key

    VisualizationType type;
    unsigned long long time_to_live;

    sequence<Point2D> points;
    double size; //Line width in pixels or text size in pt
    string string_message;

    Color color;