Simulated Setup

  1. Start the LCC.
  2. On the right, go to the Setup tab
  3. Simulate some vehicles (e.g., vehicles 1, 4, 7, and 10).
  4. In the script path, select the HLC <repo>/high_level_controller/examples/cpp/central_routing/build/central_routing  (substitute <repo>  with the path to the CPM Lab repository).
  5. Run the HLC

Physical Setup

This test is designed to test most of the lab's infrastructure, including the Indoor Positioning System, the Lab Control Center and the Trajectory Tracking Controller on the Raspberry Pi. Repeat the test above but with real vehicles. Consult the guide for doing Physical Experiments.

MATLAB with the CPM Lab

MATLAB can be tested with an example HLC.

  1. Start the LCC.
  2. On the right, go to the Setup tab
  3. Simulate a vehicle (e.g., vehicle 7).
  4. In the script path, select the HLC <repo>/high_level_controller/examples/matlab/01_direct_control  (substitute <repo>  with the path to the CPM Lab repository).
  5. Run the HLC