Simulated Setup

  1. On the right, go to the 'Setup' tab
  2. Simulate some vehicles (e.g., vehicles 1, 4, 7, and 10).
  3. In the script path, select the HLC <repo>/high_level_controller/examples/cpp/central_routing/build/central_routing  (substitute <repo>  with the path to the CPM Lab repository).
  4. Click "Deploy".
  5. On the right, go to the 'Timer' tab
  6. Wait for the timer with the ID middleware to show up.
  7. Click "Start.
  8. Check that the simulation runs smoothly.
  9. Click "Stop".
  10. On the right, go to the 'Setup' tab
  11. Click "Kill".

Physical Setup

Repeat the test above but with real vehicles. Consult the guide for doing Physical Experiments.

MATLAB with the CPM Lab

  1. Start MATLAB.
  2. In the MATLAB file explorer, navigate to <repo>/high_level_controller/examples/matlab/01_direct_control  (substitute <repo>  with the path to the CPM Lab repository).
  3. In the LCC, simulate only vehicle 1.
  4. Follow this guide to start the HLC (with the command main(1))