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Run the example
- Compile your code.
- Upload it in Select the resulting executable as script the LCC.
- Select vehicle 4 (simulated mode).
- Hit "Deploy". You Run the HLC.
- During the experiment, you will see a trail which builds and erases from point to point. This is your trajectory. Now move the simulated vehicle close to the trajectory by dragging it to a close point to the circle trajectory. A second trail will be drawn which is the trajectory for your vehicle to get the circle trajectory.
- Once the vehicle is on the circle trajectory it will drive continously in endless loop.To end the program hit "Kill".
Matlab specific information
- Send a ReadySignal message after initialization - only the ID string matters, which must be of the form "
hlc_" + vehicle_id
, where the latter is the ID of the vehicle the HLC is responsible for - Wait for the start signal sent by the LCC and propagated to the HLC by the Middleware to start the experiment
- Receive VehicleStateList messages, which include the current states and observations of the vehicle as well as the current time - this signal is supposed to be the start signal for the HLC, so computation should start using this data after the message was received. The history for this signal is set to 1, but you may still get an outdated signal here if you missed a period during your computation and read the next VehicleStateList in the middle of that next period. In that case, it may be better to skip that period as well and wait for the following one to start.
- Send vehicle command messages as a result of the communication including the vehicle ID to the Middleware, which propagates these to the vehicle
- React to stop signals sent by the LCC and propagated to the HLC by the Middleware
- Your function head may differ, but you must use varargin as your last parameter to pass vehicle IDs to your script. This allows you to define, for your script, which vehicle(s) it should be responsible for. Any previous parameters you define are your own 'custom' parameters and need to be specified as additional parameters in the Lab Control Centers' UI before starting your script (if you wish to start it using the UI).
- For eProsima: You must use matlab_domain_id as the parameter before varargin to determine on which domain ID the HLC should communicate with the middleware.
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